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Thank you for considering Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC) as your next potential employer. Our work environment is unmatched with its wonderful students and kind, caring faculty and staff. Coastal Pines Technical College is truly a great place to work!

CPTC E-Verify ID

Coastal Pines Technical College is a registered participant in the federal work authorization program commonly known as E-Verify. CPTC utilizes the program to verify employment eligibility of all individuals hired on or after July 1, 2007.

CPTC Federally Issued User ID#: 47599 Date of Authorization: 3/28/2007

Conditions of Employment

All CPTC employees are required to enroll in Direct Deposit of pay unless exempted by the State Accounting Office based on hardship evidence provided by the employee to the State Accounting Office. In addition, all CPTC employees are required to enroll in one of the Georgia State Retirement plans unless exemption criteria are met.

All incumbents subject to the U.S. DOT & FMCSA Drug & Alcohol Testing will be required to pass a pre-employment drug test prior to hire. These incumbents are also subject to random drug screens. Employment offers will be withdrawn upon the return of a positive test or a refusal to test.  

All health science faculty positions assigned to or associated with a public or private clinical site or agency (such as a hospital, medical center, laboratory, etc...) with responsibility for supervising students as a part of their program will be subject to pre-employment and random drug testing. Incumbents refusing to test are no longer considered for employment. 

Information provided with your application materials is subject to the Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A.§50-18-70).

Equal Opportunity & Nondiscrimination Statement Coastal Pines Technical College

Equal opportunity and decisions based on merit are fundamental values of the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG). The TCSG State Board prohibits discrimination on the basis of an individual’s age, color, disability, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, or veteran status (“protected status”). No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation under, any TCSG program or activity because of the individual’s protected status; nor shall any individual be given preferential treatment because of the individual’s protected status, except the preferential treatment may be given on the basis of veteran status when appropriate under federal or state law.

Coastal Pines Technical College is an equal opportunity employer. All employment processes and decisions, including but not limited to hiring, promotion, and tenure shall be free of ideological tests, affirmations, and oaths, including diversity statements. The basis and determining factor for such decisions should be that the individual possesses the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with the role, and is believed to have the ability to successfully perform the essential functions, responsibilities, and duties associated with the position for which the person is being considered. At the core of any such decision is ensuring the institution’s ability to achieve its mission and strategic priorities in support of student success. 

The following persons have been designated to coordinate the College’s implementation of non-discrimination policies: Katrina Howard, Title IX Coordinator, Jesup Campus, 1777 West Cherry Street, Jesup, Georgia, khoward@coastalpines.edu  912.427.5876; Emily Harris, Title IX Coordinator, Waycross Campus, 1701 Carswell Avenue, Waycross, Georgia eharris@coastalpines.edu  912.287.4098; titleix@coastalpines.edu  ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, ada@coastalpines.edu ; All Campuses, 1777 West Cherry Street, Jesup, Georgia.

EEO/AA Coordinator
Katrina Howard, HR Director
1777 W. Cherry Street
Jesup, GA 31545
(912) 427 - 5876
EEO/AA Coordinator
Emily Harris, HR Coordinator
1701 Carswell Avenue
Waycross, GA 31503
(912) 287 - 4098

Applicants, students, faculty and staff:

It is the obligation of Coastal Pines Technical College to ensure orderly operation, to protect the rights of all members of the CPTC community, to prohibit acts which materially and substantially interfere with legitimate educational objectives or interfere with the rights of others and to take disciplinary action where conduct adversely affects the College’s pursuit of its educational objectives.  To this end, CPTC complies with Title II of Public Law 101-542, Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act—also known as the "Jeanne Clery Act."

The Act requires that the College make available the report of campus crime statistics for the previous calendar year by October 1st of the following year. Our Campus Safety and Security Report for the previous year is available for review in the Office of the Campus Police Chief located at 1701 Carswell Avenue, Room 118, Waycross, GA 31503.

EEO is The Law

In compliance with OFCCP regulations, the Technical College System of Georgia and its associated colleges endeavor to inform you of your equal employment opportunity protections.  

If you have a disability and need accommodations, please contact us at (912) 427-5876: Coastal Pines Technical College HR Department.

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